Thursday, November 19, 2009


I went swing dancing! Well, sort of - one class and a brief open studio way out on the west side hardly count as a wild and crazy night of being led around the dance floor. But it was a perfectly happy little evening of good old-fashioned social dance. Warm up this way, add steps that way, and next thing you know you're either floating like a cloud around an engaging, loveable partner!, or you're having all your signals crossed by a man who can't count past six. Turns out you don't get much choice sometimes.

All right... so sue me. I have ideological misgivings about surrendering the basic structure of a dance to a man. But in a recent effort I've commissioned myself to, I present to you: the positive! (That's right. The positive.) The positive is that after a long and happy few years of always demanding at least equal share in a dance, it's a little bit freeing to just shuffle my feet and swivel around under the guise of chipper surrender. I had an unbeatable sense of my partner's baffled respect as, provided he could count past six, I made the most of every structural resource on the dance floor.

As I type, I am letting a Taylor Swift song poison my mind about how love works, and I'm wondering (as I imagine many, and wiser, wonderers have) if we created these structures for social interaction just to break them when the time comes, if the Lindy or the East Coast or whatever the heck I was doing to "All Shook Up" are just launch pads to acknowledging what really matters by giving it a boundless free-for-all boogie. Is freedom from structure... transcendent?

(Answer me, Taylor!)

But I digress, and my day job beckons. Happy dancing.