Sunday, November 15, 2009

Flash! A mob!

What just happened? Did I just meet up with hundreds (right?) of strangers in LA (aah, city) and bust out Janet Jackson moves in a flash mob? Why, yes. Yes I did. And it looked like this the second time:

Staci Lawrence and Conroe Brooks put their production experience and general enthusiasm (it's infectious) to the test, gaining participants from friends, family, Facebook, Twitter, and Miss Jackson's (if you're nasty) website, then having the whole lot of 'em stepping in time to a medley of the superstar's hits.

Sadly, the much-Twittered Janet appearance overshadowed the "flash" part in Round 2 (hence the aisle). Flash Mobs can be pillow fights, hug-fests... anything; in a manner somewhat typical of LA, this one served consumer culture. But hey, the first round surprised glassy-eyed Grove shoppers into unexpected delight!

What a bizarre experience. "It's really about promoting that viral grassroots side of it," Staci pointed out. And this is true: I am utterly impressed with the range of dancers, from skinny to not-skinny and tall to short, old to young and in between, obviously and sneakily devoted to Jackson. (After learning my intentions to ponder and write, one participant asked me outright: do you like Janet Jackson? I do.) The "let's just do it" attitude of the whirlwind orchestration says quite a bit about embracing spontaneity. (Cheese!) Furthermore, I've never felt so connected to so many people in this weird car-obsessed land of group solitude.

I'm disgruntled that this was, by definition, a promotion (see the tab here). But if a comedian and a singer in the TV-and-movie industry can just say "hey, let's do this" and really do it? Well, then I have no doubt that they'll keep doing this for simpler things - even better than Janet's Number Ones album.

Happy dancing!