I've been writing some. Just not much. Hello, Chicago! The Joffrey visits The Music Center, and Hubbard Street 2 comes to Pasadena. Locally, Mr. Perez has the birthday that never ends when an inspired tribute goes (went) up at Highways, featuring company members old and newest. (I will be missing this, thanks to excessive sniffles and a recent fever. Le sigh.) Third Street Dance is having a Haiti benefit class series tomorrow!, and then there's this.
No, let me emphasize: this. I can't decide whether to laugh. Ballet (which seems to have the same bipolar potential for ethereal beauty and laughable frivolity as does figure skating) has done plenty to botch cultural representations. Heavens. Just look at my beloved The Nutcracker. But in the Battle of Who Could Care Less (About Cultural Sensitivity), the skaters have won. I... I don't know what to say. And that's saying something.