Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dance With Me! (And Everyone Else in LA!)

Yep. It harkens back to high school jazz days. But gosh darn it if I don't love big, cheesy dance - and public, no less! Looking forward to a mob of dancing Janets...

So, America lacks the ceremonial dances of basically every culture that makes up its roots. Let's just forget those crazy moves at every social event I attended as a t(w)een, shall we? (Collective cultural whoops much?) We had swing for a while! We've adopted parts of tango. If you run in the crowds I run in, Contact Improvisation ain't bad; and, if I have anything to say about it, we'll always relate over the Jackson family. (May Rockin' Robin inspire one heck of a line dance at my funeral.)

This Flash Mob thing could flop big time... but I doubt it. If YouTube isn't a 21st-century cure for its own sloth-inducement, I don't know what is! So, even as one who ponders a dissertation on that shirt-flip in the video for "Scream," I give in to my affection for dances that couldn't care less about the high-brow. Keep me posted, Flash Mob!


Ah, what the heck. It's right at 3:22.